Naivasha Maimahiu Road
Mon - Sat 8.00 am - 17.00pm
  • Milled from the finest quality local maize.
    The Number one Maize meal in Kenya.

    Milled from the finest quality local maize.

  • Fortified with vitamins and minerals to offer a wholesome healthy meal.
    The number one maize meal in kenya

    Fortified with vitamins and minerals to offer a wholesome healthy meal.

    We appreciate you every single day!!




    Year Of Experience


    Bales Daily


    Team Members


    Winning Awards

    Why Choose Us

    Easily Accessible

    We have developed an effective network that brings our products close to your home. You will easily shop for our products in your local supermarkets and shops. You will get our products from Naivas Supermarkets, Kanini Haraka Distributors, Jamaa Supermarkets, Khetias Supermarkets, Popote wholesalers,Shirikisho Supermarkets, Gathiriga Supermarkets, Cumulus, Siel, Promise, Sokoni Supermarkets, Moyale Wholesalers, Peros, Muhindi mweusi Supermarkets, Kapu Supermarkets, Safari pema Wholesalers.

    Pocket Friendly

    Our main aim is to put a smile across your face by offering competitive prices as we look forward to feeding millions of families in these hard economic times. We care for you.


    With over 20 years of existence, it's been a long journey growing, learning, and putting quality first in everything that we do. We are driven by our Mission and Vision and guided by the set health standards.

    Our Testimonials

    What Clients Say

    • Hii nayo Kama hujakula huna #uwezo wa kukaa Kenya

      George Kagacha Kagacha

    • Uwezo maize flour has is the best,it has a superior quality for a better tomorrow

      Sylvester Otieno

    • Uwezo Millers Limited.., pia sisi waluhya tunapenda kupika ukali na uga wa uwezo... Pia tunapenda kuwa ambassadors wenu AFC Leopards - Kayole Branch

      AFC Leopards - Kayole Branch

    • I love the Ugali from Uwezo unga
      Its healthy and delicious.

      Ekai Moses Mose


      Have any questions, or Suggestions, Talk to us Today.

      An individual approach, fulfilling the wishes of the client, professional recommendations – all this we found in the company.

      We accept all forms of Payment, Visa Branded cards, Mpesa etc.

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