Naivasha Maimahiu Road
Mon - Sat 8.00 am - 17.00pm

About Us

About Our Company


Our main goal is to offer a quality pocket-friendly maize meal to each and every individual.

Our vision is to be the leading and most preferred milling company embracing modern technology in Southern Sahara

    You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.– Alvin Toffler

    Uwezo Health Benefits

    1. Vitamin A

    Important for good vision

    2. Vitamis B1

    Helps in brain development.

    3. Vitamins B2/B12

    Helps in normal cell function.

    4. Vitamin B3

    Maintains a healthy digestive and nervous system.

    5. Vitamin B6

    Good for a healthy heart.

    6. Folic Acid

    Helps in new cell formation and prevention of neural tube defects.

    7. Iron

    Important in prevention anaemia.

    8. Zinc

    For a healthy immune system.

    Our Staff

    Customer Oriented






    To deliver beyond your expectation, we endavour to recruit top notch professionals available. Our team is composed of serious proffessionals who have you at their hearts. We value your feedback back. Feel free to share your feedback via the shared channels.

    . “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
    Ken Blanchard

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